First, let me mention a couple of things:
My degree is in Political Science but I decided after mid-way through my time at university that I wanted to do accounting. Instead of starting from scratch by switching programs, I completed my degree and then enrolled into the Certified General Accountants program (it is a Canadian accounting designation) and started looking for accounting jobs since one needs to have progressive accounting experience while you are studying for the designation.
Here is the chronology of my career history:
In 2004, I landed a job as a credit analyst for a Toronto-based collections company (pretty much first-party collections for American Express), which I held onto for two years. In between, I did a three-month stint in third-party collections (not my cup of tea!) and I found an opportunity as a Junior Accounting Clerk for three months as well. I did this to strengthen my resume.
In 2006, I landed a job as an Accounts Receivable Administrator with Ticketmaster Canada which was located in downtown Toronto as well. I can tell you it was a lot better working environment and the work was more in line with where I wanted to take my career.
In 2007, I was offered an Accounts Receivable Clerk position for a small, local company (I live in the suburbs of Toronto). My title may have said Accounts Receivable but all I was doing was creating invoices and mailing them out to the clients. The job was boring and tedious but worse was the fact that the work environment was horrible! Every single person, from the CEO to the guy who worked in the warehouse, used profanity! I found this very disappointing and unprofessional! I endured this for about a year and I quit that job since I was getting married and I had been offered a better job, which would start once I got back from my honeymoon.
In 2008, I was offered an Intermediate Accountant role with a local manufacturing company for a far better pay and better work environment. The best part was the ideal job that I was looking for for years and I finally had found it! I was only there for eight months when, due to the worsening economy (the company derived 80% of its business from the US housing sector), 15% of the workforce were laid off (including me).
After being laid off for three months, I finally got a job as a Grant Accountant with a world-renowned children hospital located in downtown Toronto in August 2009 and this is where I currently am employed (the salary is 26% higher than my previous job so I am thankful to God for His blessing).
As the title of this post states, there is an issue with my current job. The issue is this: the position is a one year contract that ends in July. I love the job. I love the people I work with. A manager who was on maternity leave is coming back and it looks like my job could be eliminated. I spoke with the Finance Director yesterday and she said she doesn't know anything until the manager comes back in March but she wants to keep everyone. However, since this is a quasi-government organization, there is always office politics. My co-workers have been telling me to start looking for another job now because the director is known to say that your job is safe when in fact you will still lose your job and she had no intention of keeping me in the first place. So, now the job hunt is back on for something else. I dislike this situation because I love my job and I now have to support a baby as well.
Anyway, this is life and without drama in life, it would be quite boring living. Let us see what the next day brings...